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Posts from 商業周刊 - 最新文章 for 10/26/2011
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Experience the Generitech Difference

New solutions & updates

We hope you're having fun in the sun this summer! The Generitech team is excited to announce several powerful new solutions and a few updates to existing products, all available in June! Thanks to our loyal newsletter subscribers for experiencing the difference, month after month.

Introducing all-new Synergy

Our brand-new Synergy products will help you streamline your company's communications and take your brand to the next level. Can't keep track of your company's messaging and support streams? Synergy is for you. We have a number of affordable products within the Synergy line, depending on your communication volume.

A note from our President

Generitech is 100% committed to creating tools and solutions that improve the way you do business. We want to hear from loyal customers like you. Follow us on Twitter at @generitech and let us know what you think about our products and around-the-clock support. Your feedback makes us better.

— Gary Terry

Upcoming Events

Introducing Synergy!
8am, Generitech HQ

Generitech Leadership Summit
10am, AGCC

Advanced Tools Expo
3pm, AGCC
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Posts from 中時電子報-即時新聞 for 10/25/2011
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Experience the Generitech Difference

New solutions & updates

We hope you're having fun in the sun this summer! The Generitech team is excited to announce several powerful new solutions and a few updates to existing products, all available in June! Thanks to our loyal newsletter subscribers for experiencing the difference, month after month.

Introducing all-new Synergy

Our brand-new Synergy products will help you streamline your company's communications and take your brand to the next level. Can't keep track of your company's messaging and support streams? Synergy is for you. We have a number of affordable products within the Synergy line, depending on your communication volume.

A note from our President

Generitech is 100% committed to creating tools and solutions that improve the way you do business. We want to hear from loyal customers like you. Follow us on Twitter at @generitech and let us know what you think about our products and around-the-clock support. Your feedback makes us better.

— Gary Terry

Upcoming Events

Introducing Synergy!
8am, Generitech HQ

Generitech Leadership Summit
10am, AGCC

Advanced Tools Expo
3pm, AGCC
Copyright © 2011 atmtrigger, All rights reserved.
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chiayi rd
Chiayi, Cyi 600

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Posts from 中時電子報-即時新聞 for 10/24/2011
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Experience the Generitech Difference

New solutions & updates

We hope you're having fun in the sun this summer! The Generitech team is excited to announce several powerful new solutions and a few updates to existing products, all available in June! Thanks to our loyal newsletter subscribers for experiencing the difference, month after month.

Introducing all-new Synergy

Our brand-new Synergy products will help you streamline your company's communications and take your brand to the next level. Can't keep track of your company's messaging and support streams? Synergy is for you. We have a number of affordable products within the Synergy line, depending on your communication volume.

A note from our President

Generitech is 100% committed to creating tools and solutions that improve the way you do business. We want to hear from loyal customers like you. Follow us on Twitter at @generitech and let us know what you think about our products and around-the-clock support. Your feedback makes us better.

— Gary Terry

Upcoming Events

Introducing Synergy!
8am, Generitech HQ

Generitech Leadership Summit
10am, AGCC

Advanced Tools Expo
3pm, AGCC
Copyright © 2011 atmtrigger, All rights reserved.
嗨!歡迎你加入~just come here
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chiayi rd
Chiayi, Cyi 600

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【收市解碼】地產股帶動 港股尾市跌幅急收窄
9 Jun 2011, 10:48 am



長實投得兩地 尾市拗腰升

政府於下午拍賣兩幅地皮,其中西半山波老道豪宅用地最終以116.5億元成交,未能成為「新地王」。至於元朗屏山屏葵路地皮以3億元成交,相當於平均呎價 4,587元,遠超市場預期上限。投得兩幅地皮的長實,登時逆市倒升,收報116.9元,升0.95%,同時亦帶動其他地產股上升。恒地(00012)升0.4%,收報50.25元;新地(00016)升0.35%,收報116.4元;新世界發展(00017)升0.16%,收報12.62元;曾出手競投波老道地皮的信置(00083)升1.39%,收報13.16元。


資本不足陰霾再現 內銀再受挫



造假疑雲纏 民企多被洗

「小沽神」Carson Block創辦的渾水研究(Muddy Waters Research)狙擊嘉漢林業(Sino-Forest),加上美國證監會正調查在美國上市的中國企業,當中是否存在會計及披露問題,並計劃最快於今日發出投資者公告,詳列投資在透過借殼上市的內地企業所涉及的風險,多隻細價民企股慘被洗倉,部分並穿52周低位。中國天化工(00362)跌9.28%,收報0.088元;中國無線(02369)跌9.58%,收報1.51元;雅土利(01230)跌5.03%,收報1.89元;中國綠色(00904)跌9.28%,收報4.89元;中國稀土(00769)跌8.16%,收報2.59元;超大現代(00682)跌6.82%,收報2.87元。



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9 Jun 2011, 10:13 am

英國倫敦富時100指數最新報5,813.62,上升4.73點,升幅0.08%。法國巴黎CAC指數最新報3,847.94,上升9.96點,升幅0.26%。德國法蘭克福DAX指數最新報7,073.16,上升12.93點,升幅0.18%。 ...

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【林瑞芬即市導航】跌幅收窄 望有驚無險
9 Jun 2011, 10:34 am




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9 Jun 2011, 10:35 am

【經濟日報專訊】內地A股結束三連升,也終止跟國企指數「搖搖板」走勢(A股升、H股跌),相反,國指今日第六日下跌,並跌穿俗稱牛熊分界線的250天線(現處於 12579點),一度低見12317點,下跌264點或2.1%,但2時半後出現戲劇性走勢,指數由低位大幅反彈,全日最終只跌108點,收12472 點,成交額225億元。





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