目前分類:hotnews (3190)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

作者: escrowdis (ㄚ哩勒) 看板: SportLottery
標題: [足球] D3初新者時間
時間: Sat May 19 01:31:35 2012





6202水手 大阪 客2.90
6204紅鑽 心跳 和3.15
6205大宮 川崎 客2.25

6202 0:1
6201 2:0
6208 1:3


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
forget2 :推05 05/19 01:37
taii :02目前看客 (開平/半盤有點怪) 05/19 01:43
taii :不知道是真看好客,還是想殺看盤的 05/19 01:43
taii :可能還是會等後續的水位變化再下 05/19 01:44
forget2 :樓上開竅了:-) 05/19 01:54
forget2 :推水手,這場水手大阪也不好買 05/19 02:01
ander0420 :推水手+1 05/19 02:32

香港經濟通 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

作者: CenaC (王葛格加油!!) 看板: SportLottery
時間: Sat May 19 01:49:37 2012

前次推薦 推2過1

5101 賽爾 v.s. 76人 推
主讓[-2.5] 主[6-10]

5102 火花 v.s. 風暴 推

5103 雷霆 v.s. 湖人 推
主讓[-2.5] 主[11-15]

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
windsora :同路推 05/19 01:58
loveresonanc:超賽1~5, 雷霆6~10 ... 05/19 02:08
uuyayafish :同路推!! 05/19 02:14

香港經濟通 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

作者: shoyo0213 (好事多磨) 看板: SportLottery
標題: [棒球] MLB之大小
時間: Sat May 19 02:01:56 2012

5014 西雅圖水手 [米爾伍德] @ 科羅拉多落磯山 [A.懷特] 10.5 小分

5008 匹茲堡海盜 [摩頓] @ 底特律老虎 [維蘭德] 7.5 大分
維蘭德的壓制力跟老虎最近的打線, 怎看都覺得會開小@@





※ 引述《shoyo0213 (好事多磨)》之銘言:
: 4022 費城費城人 [哈勒戴] @ 芝加哥小熊 [沃斯塔] 7.5 大分
: 有種費城人會獨立開大的FU
8:7 O
: 4010 明尼蘇達雙城 [華特斯] @ 底特律老虎 [費斯特] 8.5 小分
: 雙城老虎兩局就開大 雙城客場得分靠這場拉高平均得分不少
4:3 O
日期 場數-過關 日期 場數-過關 日期 場數-過關 日期 場數-過關
04/08 2-2* 04/18 2-2* 04/28 2-0 05/08 2-1
04/09 2-1 04/19 2-1 04/29 2-2* 05/09 2-2*
04/10 2-0 04/20 2-2* 04/30 2-0 05/10 0-0
04/11 2-0 04/21 2-0 05/01 2-1 05/11 2-2*
04/12 2-2* 04/22 2-1 05/02 2-1 05/12 2-0
04/13 2-2* 04/23 2-1 05/03 2-0 05/13 2-0
04/14 2-1 04/24 2-1 05/04 2-2* 05/14 2-1
04/15 2-2* 04/25 2-1 05/05 2-1 05/15 2-1
04/16 2-0 04/26 0-0 05/06 2-0 05/16 0-0
04/17 2-2* 04/27 2-2* 05/07 2-1 05/17 2-2*
(HR-13 RH-10 一關魂-14)

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
doraelephant:HR 05/19 02:04
jayclay :太晚沒得跟 05/19 02:12
bill0403 :HR 05/19 02:17
shoyo0213 :不好意思!最近都在迷D3 太晚上菜XD 05/19 02:40

香港經濟通 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

作者: jun5 () 看板: SportLottery
標題: [LIVE] MLB午夜場 白襪@小熊
時間: Sat May 19 02:21:35 2012

5003 白襪 @ 小熊

CWS: P.Humber (1-2 ,5.77)

CHC: J.Samardzija (4-1 ,2.89)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
forget2 :推 05/19 02:22
※ 編輯: jun5 來自: (05/19 02:29)
Fidi :請問這場是7.5還是8.5大分? 05/19 02:26
aicecoolman :好像是8.5 05/19 02:27
uytrewq :GO 05/19 02:27
al701006 :白襪衝衝衝 05/19 02:28
Fidi :白襪2 05/19 02:29
Fidi :Konerko尻 05/19 02:30
trashbear :8.5 05/19 02:30
whome410 :白襪 二比蛋 05/19 02:30
al701006 :有預感小熊會連敗不只 趁現在追 05/19 02:30
aicecoolman :今天風很大嘛??怎麼感覺隨便打都尻很遠Q"Q 05/19 02:35
jun5 :橫向右往左吹 7mph 05/19 02:36
aicecoolman :熊熊2.3B~~0O 05/19 02:36
magicgreet :不會一下就大吧.. 05/19 02:36
aicecoolman :2-1 05/19 02:37
whome410 :高飛犧牲 小熊Run 05/19 02:37
al701006 :我以為漢伯該回穩了= = 05/19 02:37
aaswine :順7 05/19 02:38
aaswine :天氣被剋照樣可以轟 05/19 02:38
Fidi :2:! 05/19 02:40
※ 編輯: jun5 來自: (05/19 02:42)
Fidi :小熊沒追平有點可惜 05/19 02:40
Spider458 :小熊要過讓阿!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 05/19 02:41
aaswine :我下小熊主1 拜託了 05/19 02:43
aicecoolman :真的隨便都安打= = 05/19 02:43
tonykowolf :我的單子上寫7.5欸 有改盤嗎? 05/19 02:45
Fidi :我也記得是7.5耶 05/19 02:47

香港經濟通 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

作者: ru04ul4 (拒絕) 看板: SportLottery
標題: [籃球] NBA
時間: Sat May 19 02:45:08 2012


老賽@76人 主場-2.5




雷霆@湖人 客場不讓

看到湖人還要多講嗎 壓對面就對了


以上空氣單1000 謝謝

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:

香港經濟通 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

作者: eliokky (羊騎士) 看板: Gossiping
標題: Re: [問卦] 有沒有D3跟LoL誰比較強的八卦
時間: Tue May 15 15:46:02 2012

※ 引述《livefishfish (活魚魚)》之銘言:
: LOL不會比較好玩啦
: 信長會沒落就是FN擺爛阿 先是意圖把信長LOL化 但只做半套
: 後來開始擺爛不做又不趕快給別人做 擺爛超久的
: LOL這個遊戲就是 選角+圍毆大賽 又不能多控
: 角色輸了先輸一半 對面只有一個很會玩裝很肥 那我們就圍毆
: LOL優點就是好上手 還有給AT電電RT用的




: D3>>>>>>>>LOL

: GGC帳號那麼好申請 有心亂的還不是照樣掛 照樣跳當我沒玩過喔
: 重點是真的跳了 你還不能撿裝只能4打5

: 我倒是覺得還好 一打一的話 符文 天賦技術都能彌補唷
: 反正只要12等有閃現就夠了

: 中路對壓
: 技術>>>符文
: 不要整天用符文 天賦優勢去壓低等新手就以為自己很強唷

: 不能多控 超肥也不能一打多 角色配對了先贏一半
: 重點還不能在洗對方溫泉虐殺 你覺得這遊戲好玩?

: 隊友4個有2~3個不會玩你就希望能這樣了

: 還沒30等之前就場場被隊友雷爆了
: 我通常走中
: 就算被壓也不會被拆爆
: 常常上下路完全不給力 打沒多久就爆雙塔 要怎麼救你說看看

: → grooving:LOL是小屁孩和中二生在玩的 玩D3的教育程度較高 05/15 15:23


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
handsomeKim:玩LOL整場都不殺人只龜著吃兵後期也很猛 05/15 15:47
handsomeKim:真她媽的和諧遊戲 05/15 15:47

Metallicat:說這麼多LoL還是不好玩 05/15 15:49
Zirkus:時間到了 左轉LOL版 05/15 15:49
sboy1111:在這認真幹嘛XD 05/15 15:49
Scott92:宅 05/15 15:49
livefishfish:推樓上還不能多控 跟小混混一樣搞圍毆的遊戲 05/15 15:49
sheagia:單排最好不會遇到AT...4.1或311都會有好嗎 05/15 15:50
gcobc12632:太中肯了 不過你會被腦羞的鄉民噓ˊ_>ˋ 05/15 15:51
livefishfish:我覺得最慘的就是隊友組到廢物AT有夠可悲的 05/15 15:51
oligoisgood:回去吧 05/15 15:51
yzelly:說這麼多有什麼用 贏的了D3再來說 05/15 15:52
TaeyeonFan:時間到了 左轉LOL版 05/15 15:52
HornyDragon:推這篇 然後把RTS和Dota拿來比的人該檢查腦袋了。 05/15 15:52
bigGG5566:原PO好認真XDD 不過三國搶水店也是整群過去堵人殺人啊 05/15 15:52
takmingnoob:1F放屁 05/15 15:52
gcobc12632:把RTS和Dota拿來比的人該檢查腦袋了 推這句XDDDDDDDDDD 05/15 15:52
eliteark:八卦版很危險的 05/15 15:53
minoru04:我一值不懂為什麼10人玩的遊戲就有人只想要自己是英雄 05/15 15:54
iampala:打臉...會痛 05/15 15:55
sheagia:RK有三排欸... 05/15 15:55
iampala:沒有吧 哪來的三排這回事? 05/15 15:55
sheagia:自己去看= = 05/15 15:55
shadow0326:含過多非正體中文,一律劣退 05/15 15:56
sheagia:soloq dou 3 跟五阿Y 05/15 15:56
sboy1111:說LOL是小混混搞圍毆的遊戲,不如說是抓笨蛋落單的遊戲 05/15 15:57
iampala:喔 你說3V3喔! 05/15 15:57
sheagia:恩阿 05/15 15:57
iampala:原PO說的是你5V5只能1單排 2DUO 3五排 05/15 15:57
handsomeKim:嫩逼還可以狂打電腦練到30等補滿符文天賦 05/15 15:58
我跟我elo 900的朋友排隊友跟對手的差別就很明顯.....
sboy1111:官方表示:廢物組到廢物AT是很合理的 05/15 15:58
iampala:如果3排的話對面也會是3排沒啥差.. 05/15 15:58
sheagia:恩 知道啦 挑他語病一下 哈 05/15 15:58
livefishfish:自己玩的廢被壓爆還要人幫有夠可悲的 05/15 15:58
livefishfish:推handsomeKim 一堆30等的老實說也不知道在玩什麼 05/15 15:59
iampala:你壓不爆人家所以你才會一直碰到這種隊友...lol 05/15 15:59
handsomeKim:自己那麼廢,隊友沒發起投降就很客氣了 05/15 15:59
gcobc12632:30等不是代表你很強 只是代表你玩的時間很多 也不代表 05/15 16:00
sheagia:30只是開始..我遇過對面9百多勝跟肥料一樣的 05/15 16:00
gcobc12632:你有足夠的經驗 ELO才是一切 05/15 16:00
sheagia:也遇過15X盛押歪我中路的... 05/15 16:00
sboy1111:什麼時候你產生了30級應該很強的錯覺XD 05/15 16:00
handsomeKim:嫩逼再嫩,只要等級高有符文天賦,還是可以電低等的 05/15 16:01
再連勝個10場就開始遇到elo 1k6up的在對面,我的實力就這樣

lv 10一樣可以電lv 30滿天賦符文的啊,技術跟觀念問題
livefishfish:被壓就算了 一直跑出去當肥料 看了就有夠不爽的 05/15 16:01
minoru04:如果你覺得幫隊友可悲 那你根本不適合玩這5V5的遊戲 05/15 16:01
iampala:這遊戲重點是ELO又不是勝場, 連NG都有所謂隱藏ELO了 05/15 16:01
iampala:會碰到爛的隊友表示你自己也沒強到多少才會分再同一層級 05/15 16:01
sheagia:H大那就不一定了 我開新帳號中路毫無幅文13等殺歪對面.. 05/15 16:02
handsomeKim:光是有沒有達到12等(有無閃現)就有極大的差別 05/15 16:02
inconsequent:奇怪 這麼想1打5 不會自己開發啊QQ 愛玩又愛閒>< 05/15 16:03
minoru04:真心想贏而不是只想自己當英雄就不會計較這麼多 05/15 16:04
smalltwo:我在上面那篇吐完他他就不見了,怪隊友選角不對,阿自己怎 05/15 16:06
rabbyreturns:新手? 05/15 16:06
smalltwo:不換角. 05/15 16:06
minoru04:每個都像他這種想法那SUP就真的沒人要玩 05/15 16:06
handsomeKim:真正的強者是會把sup腳練到後來變主力的 05/15 16:07
handsomeKim:可惜LOL的環境下好像不太許可? 05/15 16:08
美服有一堆main sup的高手,還是你要sup也跟adr一樣金光閃閃才叫主力?
livefishfish:很人玩DOTA遊戲的習慣都是隨機選角 05/15 16:08
inconsequent:自己要玩55的遊戲 然後怪遊戲不能1打5 ㄎㄎ 05/15 16:08
livefishfish:本 05/15 16:08
smalltwo:LOL很重視團隊合作.結果抓落單的對他來說像十惡不赦一樣 05/15 16:09
blackk:看到LOL是為了競技而生就笑了.... 05/15 16:10
ko007x:輸囉! 我說輸囉!! LOL已經輸給D3 你回去自慰吧 自慰自慰吧 05/15 16:10
ko007x:有垃圾板主 會沒落 不意外 05/15 16:12
handsomeKim:LOL的施放物品少的可憐,真的很適合接技不夠快的人玩 05/15 16:12
sheagia:目前SUP能玩到變主力的好像不多吧..牛索拉LUX 硬要說真那? 05/15 16:12
sheagia:H大真的有玩嗎= = 05/15 16:12
sheagia:玩過維嘉RYZE再來說手速問題吧.. 05/15 16:13
handsomeKim:樓上你有看到我的下一句嗎? 05/15 16:13
smalltwo:接技不夠快...阿璃都笑歪了 05/15 16:13
livefishfish:主動傷害物品真的不多 手慢者的天堂 05/15 16:13
handsomeKim:阿璃? 要不要跟淺井比比看?? 05/15 16:14
livefishfish:阿璃那叫接喔..... 無言以對 05/15 16:14
iampala:你連手慢得都打不贏還那麼多話作啥... 05/15 16:14
gcobc12632:淺井多難?巨集一顆鍵就夠了 需要多快 05/15 16:14
handsomeKim:你愛開巨集是你家的事 05/15 16:15
handsomeKim:就好比你喜歡開圖一樣,你家的事 05/15 16:15
gcobc12632:不是我愛開 是現在玩淺井的有80%都巨集+開圖 05/15 16:16
livefishfish:原來開巨集的都跑去玩LOL了難怪超大地雷一堆 05/15 16:16
gcobc12632:反正寫巨集只要用War3Customkey就能寫了 又不會被BAN 05/15 16:17
handsomeKim:好懷念以前chaos的時代,連血法師到後期打人都超痛 05/15 16:19
※ 編輯: eliokky 來自: (05/15 16:36)
minoru04:所以你們那麼強被職業隊伍挖角了沒? 05/15 16:20
smalltwo:LOL不適合livefishfish這種愛線上單機的人玩 05/15 16:20
smalltwo:不注重團隊的.去打電腦吧 05/15 16:20
handsomeKim:賺錢賭電劍,法師都能當輸出主力 05/15 16:20
inconsequent:livefishfish:本人玩DOTA遊戲的習慣都是隨機選角 05/15 16:21
inconsequent:這種人敢罵別人是雷 笑了XDDDDD 05/15 16:21
livefishfish:選什麼都強阿 05/15 16:22
smalltwo:梧鼠五技 05/15 16:24
livefishfish:ㄨ釵酗H只會玩一隻被BAN就注定當雷了 05/15 16:24
handsomeKim:結論:LOL之所以會紅,就是因為新手門檻低,還可打電腦 05/15 16:24
livefishfish:有人只會玩一隻被BAN就注定當雷了 05/15 16:24
handsomeKim:我一直按推只是禮貌性幫你這篇補血罷了 05/15 16:25
handsomeKim:LOL買強腳很貴耶,吸血鬼就要6300,賀客林也不便宜 05/15 16:26
handsomeKim:所以很多人存錢存很久只買了少少幾隻 05/15 16:26
handsomeKim:當然也就只練那幾隻囉,除非玩免費的 05/15 16:27
smalltwo:沒人說你只能玩一隻.只是性質差不多的角色不只一個 05/15 16:28
inconsequent:有ban角機制的只有競技模式.16隻角色才能打競技模式 05/15 16:29
minoru04:你可以打上波比中雷茲將狗YI下索拉卡艾希簡樸EU啊 05/15 16:29
inconsequent:不過我想隨機選角的大大應該也是不適合打競技啦^^ 05/15 16:31
sboy1111:簡單講就是打輸怪搖桿爛,怪隊友蠢 05/15 16:39
sboy1111:對面的XX永遠都比我們家的XX強,超怪的XD 05/15 16:40
livefishfish:樓上我們現在開一場 我們同一隊我在找3個 05/15 16:40
livefishfish:你負責打 我們負責當肥料 打輸不要怪隊友喔 05/15 16:40
Leeleo:handsom根本就新手阿  還可以說這麼多 都不害羞喔 05/15 16:40
livefishfish:我們開場就去給人4連殺 記得別怪隊友喔XD 05/15 16:41
sboy1111:奇怪,你用"系統排"你會遇到肥料難道要怪別人XD 05/15 16:42
handsomeKim:看來Leeleo閣下是專業老手? 講點來聽聽吧 05/15 16:42
sboy1111:沒人否定肥料的問題,問題是你怎會跟肥料組到隊:P 05/15 16:42
livefishfish:原來有人1等帳號就能遇到跟自己一樣強的 05/15 16:43
smalltwo:Livefishfish...你糾人然後另外三個系統就認為你是AT 05/15 16:43
sboy1111:剛然也是會有遇到耍白痴亂玩的,但這是另一個問題就是了 05/15 16:43
livefishfish:那個配對系統有夠爛的 05/15 16:43
smalltwo:livefishfish..原來你不知道LOL系統有根據等級戰績分類噢 05/15 16:43
livefishfish:為了你才找的 平常都一個人打的 05/15 16:44
handsomeKim:遇到肥料,結束時記得把他黑名單即可 05/15 16:44
smalltwo:遇到你跟另外三個傢伙..就算是神手也沒救呀 05/15 16:45
smalltwo:一個你就已經要很拼命拉回差距,四個你再加上對面AT.... 05/15 16:45
sboy1111:你找人開遊戲當肥料跟你平常實力會跟肥料組到隊是兩回事 05/15 16:46
inconsequent:反正怎麼排隊友就是肥料 對面都神手啊 千錯萬錯都是 05/15 16:46
livefishfish:哈哈 壓線還要有人一天到晚當奶媽來幫的 05/15 16:46
inconsequent:they的錯 05/15 16:46
livefishfish:有臉說人新手 在魔獸被殺爆 過去一樣當雷 05/15 16:46
handsomeKim:某場隊友雷歐娜被殺爆,卻剛好讓他找到救援藉口: 05/15 16:48
smalltwo:LOL的組隊均衡系統理論上你組到的人跟對面不會差異太大 05/15 16:48
handsomeKim:[對方等級都好高,不公平啦!!!!] 05/15 16:48
livefishfish:是說小混混圍毆人也會說他們是合作 05/15 16:49
smalltwo:除非在很冷門的時段.像是三四點. 05/15 16:49
minoru04:所以大大被職業挖角了沒? 05/15 16:49
inconsequent:對對對 系統每次都排肥料給你 害你每場都輸 哭哭>.< 05/15 16:49
handsomeKim:那場是凌晨五點多的時候打的 05/15 16:49
livefishfish:剛開1等第一場就遇到3個白癡 05/15 16:50
sboy1111:強者:欸,又有肥料落單! 肥料:一群小混混只會圍毆!!! 05/15 16:50
livefishfish:生平打的第一場就配了3個白癡 這系統不鳥嗎?? 05/15 16:50
minoru04:所以你要一輩子打一等喔? 真會記恨 05/15 16:51
sboy1111:所以你1等遇到三個不會玩的有很意外嗎XDDD 05/15 16:51
livefishfish:整場的被殺數都被他們幾個包了 05/15 16:51
minoru04:不然開帳號之前還要身家調查+面試好不好? 30級前就過渡期 05/15 16:52
livefishfish:被嗆一下 就新手阿 新手不會打電腦喔 05/15 16:52
handsomeKim:@活魚 這遊戲就是要你多打電腦符文天賦都灌滿才殺得爽 05/15 16:53
inconsequent:對啦 其實系統會記住你id 每次都會特別配肥料給你 05/15 16:53
minoru04:台服剛開的時候更隨便 很多都亂打悠閒打到30的 05/15 16:53
sboy1111:建議官方給予對於自己實力有信心者直接面試洽談獲得帳號 05/15 16:53
handsomeKim:可悲的遊戲 05/15 16:53
haworz:低等帳號虐菜虐個幾場你很快就會排道30等的了 05/15 16:53
haworz:不過跟打不上去的菜說太多也沒什麼意義 畢竟有一半的人1k2 05/15 16:54
haworz:隨便打個1k4就虐暴7成的人 不同層級看到的就是不一樣 05/15 16:55
minoru04:奇怪 我開分身帳號怎麼10級前就有人在打EU 05/15 16:55
smalltwo:live嘴巴這強,勝率應該很高怎會都組到肥料呢.快去抗議XD 05/15 16:55
sboy1111:真的,一定是官方搞錯了! 建議打電話給客服了解一下 05/15 16:56
haworz:根據elo系統 兩邊都是菜的話至少你不是吧 這樣你應該要贏 05/15 16:56
minoru04:下路都在龍區草叢粉眼互拆還說自己是新手XD 05/15 16:57
sboy1111:官方表示:兩邊都是菜你卻贏不了,表示你也是菜 05/15 16:57
haworz:這遊戲跟W3 CG最大不同點在於不能讓你自慰 幾分就幾分 05/15 16:58
haworz:所以會有很多打不上去的自慰魔整天崩潰 05/15 16:58
inconsequent:系統:活魚魚上線了 趕快配肥料給它讓他輸 05/15 16:59
minoru04:連30都沒耐心練真的QUIT剛好而已 05/15 16:59
h123982012:EU流超無聊 以前超好玩! 05/15 17:22
livefishfish:還好我至少都殺有我方殺人數的6成以上 05/15 18:03

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作者: greg11321 (梧桐細雨) 看板: Gossiping
標題: [新聞] 拍馬屁 吳伯雄:全世界最辛苦的元首
時間: Sun May 13 20:55:13 2012




疑? 不是才從非洲完一圈回來


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
nat132108:噁心 05/13 20:55
Q7:幹 馬屁無 05/13 20:55
tchialen:阿扁超辛苦 卸任還要出來救援 05/13 20:55
chimeptt:劉邦友表示: 05/13 20:55
w107:玩得很辛苦的白痴 05/13 20:55
chester71:最辛苦的是每天?到不行的鄉民 05/13 20:56
Hateson:應該是最爽吧 05/13 20:56
Q7:離譜 拍了那麼多馬屁 台北市長也不會給你兒子選啦 05/13 20:56
handsomeKim:楊_敏的ㄋㄟㄋㄟ~被捏爆了 05/13 20:56
yamimk:噁...要出櫃了嗎? 05/13 20:56
austin69: 去找王建民抱抱吧! 05/13 20:56
terop:噁心又無恥 05/13 20:56
kevin28:=_= 05/13 20:56
headcase:吳伯雄才厲害 可以用感覺來判斷老共會不會武力侵台 05/13 20:56
conpo:這嘴臉真噁心 05/13 20:56
KWEI40:阿扁表示:欣慰 05/13 20:56
capik:廢話,在非洲那麼熱,還比輸那麼多運動項目,當然辛苦 05/13 20:56
ynd:楊思敏:阿~阿~破了 05/13 20:57
hhl30boy:吳伯雄被胡錦濤握過手後 回台的那個表情 真想巴牠六下!!! 05/13 20:57
gourwhite:甲 05/13 20:57
a901999:總覺得話中有話....... 05/13 20:57
taiwanlaws:這個不噓對不起自己 05/13 20:57
tzimo:拍馬屁兼捧LP 05/13 20:57
qwilfish: 05/13 20:58
Q7:幹 台奸再噓 死支那臭畜外省豬 05/13 20:58
zaknafein:那麼委屈可以別幹呀 廢物 05/13 20:59
NotUniqueSol:他指的是前任的 卸任後還要去蹲 又要當救援王 真辛苦 05/13 20:59
getbacker:之前不是報導佛光山的龐大違建群嗎? 05/13 20:59
HELLDIVER:又跑步又游泳 沒事還做伏地挺身 真的很辛苦 05/13 20:59
OrzJ:....... 05/13 20:59
HELLDIVER:什麼? 騜的職位不是運動員? 05/13 21:00
muscleless:有這種總統和馬屁精 人民才辛苦 05/13 21:00
Ncyu2: 05/13 21:00
Q7:還要扛米袋 真是辛苦的元首阿 05/13 21:00
freewash:又在吹馬英九的喇叭了 05/13 21:00
suckspur:吳伯熊忘記他大伯怎麼死的嗎? 228時被殺睪丸塞嘴裡 05/13 21:00
sobigbird:他講錯了吧 是最辛苦的區長才對 一國兩區ㄚ 05/13 21:01
muscleless:看來下次監察院長之位 非伯公莫屬 05/13 21:01
openlion:官員都一些沒用只會拍馬屁 台灣真的看不到未來.... 05/13 21:01
datee: 05/13 21:02
pasaword:e04 國民黨都這種垃圾貨色嘛 伯公你的劉邦友案咧 05/13 21:02
GayBar:客家人會說這種場面話 不意外 05/13 21:02
sampsonhugh:吳志揚想選總統.. 05/13 21:02
lapis0523:劉邦友在哭了啊`~ 05/13 21:03
hhl30boy:胡緊掏:唉...這二隻找一天一定要解決掉的啦!!! 太噁心了! 05/13 21:03
Q7:馬惠帝的用人準則就是無能和馬屁 可以尸位戶餐了 05/13 21:03
dictons: 05/13 21:03
s88239:這種話也敢說? 05/13 21:03
whitezealman:馬屁文化 689萬人的最愛 05/13 21:03
otld:KMT怎麼幾乎都這種人啊 05/13 21:03
webmay:都幾歲的人了還這麼犯賤 05/13 21:03
RichWomen: 她兒子又要出來選了 05/13 21:03
upyours:馬屁精 05/13 21:04
handsomeKim:再爛都有689萬人相挺 05/13 21:04
isoh0719:骯髒.. 05/13 21:04
urdie:明明在非洲玩的超爽得~~~~~~辛苦在哪? 05/13 21:04
LovError:垃圾話 05/13 21:04
memalina:噁........... 05/13 21:04
rainbow321:因為明明是區長 硬被當成總統 05/13 21:04
query:滅國時 常有這種亂講的 05/13 21:05
mc12355:辛苦還搶著當 這麼M? 05/13 21:05
TaiwanXDman: 05/13 21:06
arhuro:幹嘛噓? 標準官阿 老共面前一國兩區 馬囧面前中華民國總統 05/13 21:06
ghb:有沒有全世界最辛苦的無尾熊八卦? 05/13 21:06
arhuro:這不是見人說人話 見鬼說鬼話 超強的勒 05/13 21:06
molisi:對馬冏而是最爽的職位吧~~~沒能力又愛做 05/13 21:06
saeea:整天都在玩 我不覺得辛苦 勞工都責任制到死了 他算老幾 05/13 21:07
freakclaw:拍馬屁最辛苦~ 05/13 21:07
ganla:難做??...看來該放大絕:不爽不要做........... 05/13 21:07
madsperm:國之將亡 05/13 21:07
jasonkaku:噁心 05/13 21:07
Su22:口惡 05/13 21:09
seuil:幹你娘 05/13 21:09
smilelover:============ 最辛苦最難做??? ================= XD 05/13 21:09
greg11321:我覺得楊思敏會比較辛苦 05/13 21:10
f11IJ:吳伯雄從選前到選後 講的話都是一堆狗屎 這傢伙一點格調都沒 05/13 21:10
smilelover: ===========北韓領導人表示: 05/13 21:10
f11IJ:真他媽的噁心 狗官 05/13 21:10
z010389:第一天說謊厚...吞了幾次針了? 05/13 21:10
OR: 05/13 21:11
sobigbird: 說馬是區長應該沒有刁難鐵蛆王吳伯雄吧? 自己提的啊 05/13 21:11
muscleless:KMT媒體最弱勢 馬英九做得最辛苦 吳伯雄不愛拍馬屁 05/13 21:12
waei:死蛆 05/13 21:13
conshelity:喔喔 瓜瓜 05/13 21:14
gn01501838:超噁 05/13 21:16
Tmmontal:意思就是鬼島很難治理的意思瞜? 05/13 21:17
agong: 做 到 血 尿 再 來 講 玩........ 05/13 21:17
cgjoseph:區長有比加藤鷹辛苦嗎? 05/13 21:18
jack8759:......... 05/13 21:19
MyDarling: 05/13 21:20
saile60391:噁心 05/13 21:20
makakatw:巧克力:總統不是普通的難幹 05/13 21:25
lisy1991516:cd 樓下幫我 05/13 21:25
smilelover:我也CD XX啦 05/13 21:26
muscleless:我也CD 05/13 21:27
LovError:哪交給我吧 補刀 05/13 21:27
gogoegg:屎蛆也覺得渣騜很辛苦 那顆大樹一直漲 鬼島出口卻爛到爆 05/13 21:28
sid3:不 爽 不 要 做 05/13 21:37
whitezealman:2 05/13 21:41
waeting:對啊貪污都貪得很辛苦 05/13 21:41
a880338: 05/13 21:47
sobigbird:誰說鬼島出口爛到爆 這點我要蛆平反 05/13 21:50
sobigbird:我們一直都有把東西銷往中國ㄚ 雖然幾乎都被倒帳跳票 05/13 21:51
sobigbird:如同騜說的 陸客來台9人吃一晚蚵仔煎創造多少經濟奇蹟 05/13 21:52
sobigbird:拜託吱吱不要亂造謠好嗎 05/13 21:53
gotohikaru:之前講錯話 開始在漂白 05/13 21:54
ccucwc:啊不就很辛苦 05/13 21:57
OoJudyoO:很辛苦還做這麼差 下台對大家都好 05/13 22:05
KingKingCold:我覺得楊思敏比較辛苦 05/13 22:11
power21585:2幹 05/13 22:11
berber303:辛你老媽媽咧 05/13 22:13
lovemybird:幹,智障人講智障話 05/13 22:25
roader28:這麼辛苦不要幹了啊 05/13 22:26
eiji13:拼命護航被當凱子還喊爽的蛆都沒在喊累 你辛苦個屁 05/13 22:27
kerokun:馬英九是辛苦,人民是心裡很苦 05/13 22:28
chihchin0112:幹 05/13 22:29
jh121221:這麼辛苦,拜託你下台好嗎,我們才是全世界最痛苦的百姓 05/13 22:36
andey:幹你娘我還真不知道不管事的元首原來是最辛苦的啊... 05/13 22:45
shunchao: 05/13 22:47
askey:花人民的錢花得很辛苦嗎? 05/13 22:53
midfegod:有必要拍馬屁成這種地步嗎 05/13 23:02
ss951357:噁心........ 05/13 23:03
satyrs05:更辛苦的是他的子民 05/13 23:05
lzhhilly:( ︶︿︶)_╭∩╮ 05/13 23:22
nxling0809: 05/13 23:37
vespar:同樣做得爛,KMT拍主席馬屁的能力比DPP強100倍..... 05/13 23:41
iamgyfan: 05/13 23:43
odsan:Bullshit 05/14 00:05
rukia175:雖然元首難做 但會讓人覺得拍馬屁也不會很意外= = 05/14 00:06
rukia175:連我也覺得這有拍馬屁的味道= = 05/14 00:07
koden:年紀一大把了 還在舔XX 05/14 00:58
cjhcjh:無恥 05/14 01:10
csd:靠喲阿 05/14 10:05
abucat:2 我相信吳敦義最誠實 05/14 10:27
Dispirited:他說的沒錯阿,你沒看台灣人民也是最辛苦最難做? >.^ 05/14 16:25

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Chiayi, Cyi 600

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Posts from 商業周刊 - 最新文章 for 11/02/2011
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Experience the Generitech Difference

New solutions & updates

We hope you're having fun in the sun this summer! The Generitech team is excited to announce several powerful new solutions and a few updates to existing products, all available in June! Thanks to our loyal newsletter subscribers for experiencing the difference, month after month.

Introducing all-new Synergy

Our brand-new Synergy products will help you streamline your company's communications and take your brand to the next level. Can't keep track of your company's messaging and support streams? Synergy is for you. We have a number of affordable products within the Synergy line, depending on your communication volume.

A note from our President

Generitech is 100% committed to creating tools and solutions that improve the way you do business. We want to hear from loyal customers like you. Follow us on Twitter at @generitech and let us know what you think about our products and around-the-clock support. Your feedback makes us better.

— Gary Terry

Upcoming Events

Introducing Synergy!
8am, Generitech HQ

Generitech Leadership Summit
10am, AGCC

Advanced Tools Expo
3pm, AGCC
Copyright © 2011 atmtrigger, All rights reserved.
嗨!歡迎你加入~just come here
Our mailing address is:
chiayi rd
Chiayi, Cyi 600

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Posts from 中時電子報-即時新聞 for 11/01/2011
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Experience the Generitech Difference

New solutions & updates

We hope you're having fun in the sun this summer! The Generitech team is excited to announce several powerful new solutions and a few updates to existing products, all available in June! Thanks to our loyal newsletter subscribers for experiencing the difference, month after month.

Introducing all-new Synergy

Our brand-new Synergy products will help you streamline your company's communications and take your brand to the next level. Can't keep track of your company's messaging and support streams? Synergy is for you. We have a number of affordable products within the Synergy line, depending on your communication volume.

A note from our President

Generitech is 100% committed to creating tools and solutions that improve the way you do business. We want to hear from loyal customers like you. Follow us on Twitter at @generitech and let us know what you think about our products and around-the-clock support. Your feedback makes us better.

— Gary Terry

Upcoming Events

Introducing Synergy!
8am, Generitech HQ

Generitech Leadership Summit
10am, AGCC

Advanced Tools Expo
3pm, AGCC
Copyright © 2011 atmtrigger, All rights reserved.
嗨!歡迎你加入~just come here
Our mailing address is:
chiayi rd
Chiayi, Cyi 600

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Posts from 中時電子報-即時新聞 for 10/31/2011
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Experience the Generitech Difference

New solutions & updates

We hope you're having fun in the sun this summer! The Generitech team is excited to announce several powerful new solutions and a few updates to existing products, all available in June! Thanks to our loyal newsletter subscribers for experiencing the difference, month after month.

Introducing all-new Synergy

Our brand-new Synergy products will help you streamline your company's communications and take your brand to the next level. Can't keep track of your company's messaging and support streams? Synergy is for you. We have a number of affordable products within the Synergy line, depending on your communication volume.

A note from our President

Generitech is 100% committed to creating tools and solutions that improve the way you do business. We want to hear from loyal customers like you. Follow us on Twitter at @generitech and let us know what you think about our products and around-the-clock support. Your feedback makes us better.

— Gary Terry

Upcoming Events

Introducing Synergy!
8am, Generitech HQ

Generitech Leadership Summit
10am, AGCC

Advanced Tools Expo
3pm, AGCC
Copyright © 2011 atmtrigger, All rights reserved.
嗨!歡迎你加入~just come here
Our mailing address is:
chiayi rd
Chiayi, Cyi 600

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Posts from 中時電子報-即時新聞 for 10/30/2011
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Experience the Generitech Difference

New solutions & updates

We hope you're having fun in the sun this summer! The Generitech team is excited to announce several powerful new solutions and a few updates to existing products, all available in June! Thanks to our loyal newsletter subscribers for experiencing the difference, month after month.

Introducing all-new Synergy

Our brand-new Synergy products will help you streamline your company's communications and take your brand to the next level. Can't keep track of your company's messaging and support streams? Synergy is for you. We have a number of affordable products within the Synergy line, depending on your communication volume.

A note from our President

Generitech is 100% committed to creating tools and solutions that improve the way you do business. We want to hear from loyal customers like you. Follow us on Twitter at @generitech and let us know what you think about our products and around-the-clock support. Your feedback makes us better.

— Gary Terry

Upcoming Events

Introducing Synergy!
8am, Generitech HQ

Generitech Leadership Summit
10am, AGCC

Advanced Tools Expo
3pm, AGCC
Copyright © 2011 atmtrigger, All rights reserved.
嗨!歡迎你加入~just come here
Our mailing address is:
chiayi rd
Chiayi, Cyi 600

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Posts from 中時電子報-即時新聞 for 10/29/2011
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Experience the Generitech Difference

New solutions & updates

We hope you're having fun in the sun this summer! The Generitech team is excited to announce several powerful new solutions and a few updates to existing products, all available in June! Thanks to our loyal newsletter subscribers for experiencing the difference, month after month.

Introducing all-new Synergy

Our brand-new Synergy products will help you streamline your company's communications and take your brand to the next level. Can't keep track of your company's messaging and support streams? Synergy is for you. We have a number of affordable products within the Synergy line, depending on your communication volume.

A note from our President

Generitech is 100% committed to creating tools and solutions that improve the way you do business. We want to hear from loyal customers like you. Follow us on Twitter at @generitech and let us know what you think about our products and around-the-clock support. Your feedback makes us better.

— Gary Terry

Upcoming Events

Introducing Synergy!
8am, Generitech HQ

Generitech Leadership Summit
10am, AGCC

Advanced Tools Expo
3pm, AGCC
Copyright © 2011 atmtrigger, All rights reserved.
嗨!歡迎你加入~just come here
Our mailing address is:
chiayi rd
Chiayi, Cyi 600

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Posts from 中時電子報-即時新聞 for 10/28/2011
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Experience the Generitech Difference

New solutions & updates

We hope you're having fun in the sun this summer! The Generitech team is excited to announce several powerful new solutions and a few updates to existing products, all available in June! Thanks to our loyal newsletter subscribers for experiencing the difference, month after month.

Introducing all-new Synergy

Our brand-new Synergy products will help you streamline your company's communications and take your brand to the next level. Can't keep track of your company's messaging and support streams? Synergy is for you. We have a number of affordable products within the Synergy line, depending on your communication volume.

A note from our President

Generitech is 100% committed to creating tools and solutions that improve the way you do business. We want to hear from loyal customers like you. Follow us on Twitter at @generitech and let us know what you think about our products and around-the-clock support. Your feedback makes us better.

— Gary Terry

Upcoming Events

Introducing Synergy!
8am, Generitech HQ

Generitech Leadership Summit
10am, AGCC

Advanced Tools Expo
3pm, AGCC
Copyright © 2011 atmtrigger, All rights reserved.
嗨!歡迎你加入~just come here
Our mailing address is:
chiayi rd
Chiayi, Cyi 600

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Posts from 中時電子報-即時新聞 for 10/27/2011
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Experience the Generitech Difference

New solutions & updates

We hope you're having fun in the sun this summer! The Generitech team is excited to announce several powerful new solutions and a few updates to existing products, all available in June! Thanks to our loyal newsletter subscribers for experiencing the difference, month after month.

Introducing all-new Synergy

Our brand-new Synergy products will help you streamline your company's communications and take your brand to the next level. Can't keep track of your company's messaging and support streams? Synergy is for you. We have a number of affordable products within the Synergy line, depending on your communication volume.

A note from our President

Generitech is 100% committed to creating tools and solutions that improve the way you do business. We want to hear from loyal customers like you. Follow us on Twitter at @generitech and let us know what you think about our products and around-the-clock support. Your feedback makes us better.

— Gary Terry

Upcoming Events

Introducing Synergy!
8am, Generitech HQ

Generitech Leadership Summit
10am, AGCC

Advanced Tools Expo
3pm, AGCC
Copyright © 2011 atmtrigger, All rights reserved.
嗨!歡迎你加入~just come here
Our mailing address is:
chiayi rd
Chiayi, Cyi 600

Add us to your address book

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Posts from 中時電子報-即時新聞 for 10/26/2011
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Experience the Generitech Difference

New solutions & updates

We hope you're having fun in the sun this summer! The Generitech team is excited to announce several powerful new solutions and a few updates to existing products, all available in June! Thanks to our loyal newsletter subscribers for experiencing the difference, month after month.

Introducing all-new Synergy

Our brand-new Synergy products will help you streamline your company's communications and take your brand to the next level. Can't keep track of your company's messaging and support streams? Synergy is for you. We have a number of affordable products within the Synergy line, depending on your communication volume.

A note from our President

Generitech is 100% committed to creating tools and solutions that improve the way you do business. We want to hear from loyal customers like you. Follow us on Twitter at @generitech and let us know what you think about our products and around-the-clock support. Your feedback makes us better.

— Gary Terry

Upcoming Events

Introducing Synergy!
8am, Generitech HQ

Generitech Leadership Summit
10am, AGCC

Advanced Tools Expo
3pm, AGCC
Copyright © 2011 atmtrigger, All rights reserved.
嗨!歡迎你加入~just come here
Our mailing address is:
chiayi rd
Chiayi, Cyi 600

Add us to your address book

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