
作者: Eagle47 (燕雀安知鴻鵠之志) 看板: LoL
標題: [情報] AD Carry Tier List (By Elementz)
時間: Tue May 29 07:37:19 2012






AD Carry Tier List - May 28th

By Elementz May 29, 2012

AD Carries:

Tier 1: Kog'Maw, Corki, Ashe, Graves , Urgot,

Tier 1: 寇格魔, 庫奇, 艾希, 葛雷夫, 烏爾加特,

Tier 2: Vayne, Sivir, Ezreal, Caitlyn,

Tier 2: 汎, 希維爾, 伊澤瑞爾, 凱特琳,

Tier 3: Tristana, Varus, Miss Fortune, Kayle, Kennen

Tier 3: 崔絲塔娜, 法洛士, 好運姐, 凱爾, 凱能

Tier 4: Twisted Fate, Twitch

Tier 4: 逆命, 圖奇


Varus has been placed into tier 3- I believe Varus to have a very strong
laning phase but doesn't scale very well into late game and I feel a lot
of competitive AD carries need to do that. Now you might say Ashe doesn't
either and you'd be right but I feel her utility is just so strong with
that global arrow and the ability to kite for herself that she outshines
Varus completely. He's got some good burst, some decent poke, and his CC
ain't half bad, but I feel he's just overall alright.

Definition of AD Carries:

- These champions are based off auto attacking. They deal the vast majority
of their damage through their basic attacks.

- These champions are found in the bottom lane for the most part but
sometimes a Bruiser and the AD / Support will swap top and bottom lane to
give the other team some confusion and this is often done to counter a
strong enemy bruiser.

- Support champions often accompany AD carries to help them farm and
protect them.

Don't see a champion listed in the tier list who you consider a good
competitive AD Carry? It's probably because I don't and other competitive
teams don't value them as competitive picks. Want to raise an argument for
why a certain champion should be considered for the competitive list just
post below and let me know why in a constructive way!

"No one, not even pros, can presume to know everything. Whether they
promote or discourage a character is subject to debate at all times.
These debates are encouraged in a respectful manner as we're trying to
create the best tier lists possible for your enjoyment."
Stonewall - Elementz

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※ 編輯: Eagle47 來自: (05/29 07:39)
※ 編輯: Eagle47 來自: (05/29 07:41)
A10JQK :神手都用艾希 05/29 07:44
glen7913 :怎麼沒有teemo 05/29 07:46
mlj6512 :隱身了 05/29 07:46
mabirex :Elementz 05/29 07:52
myhome6206 :Varus真的不夠好 05/29 08:01
swwf :現在打Rank/Normal,幾乎場場都至少會出現一支法洛士 05/29 08:04
LoSaNgeR :tier1 根本就是每場比賽都會出來的 = =" 05/29 08:06
LoSaNgeR :考慮大後期的話 砲娘應該也會在tier2吧 T_T 05/29 08:07
yeh19921026 :但是他中期太弱了...這是我在1500的感想= =" 05/29 08:08
sci :法洛士很吃隊友,沒逃命位移技 05/29 08:09
antisun :艾希從人見人打變成T1了QQ 05/29 08:12
a81359 :因為他變正了?? 05/29 08:16
bleedwolf :老元素終於有一個正常的排名了 05/29 08:20
IDs :元素說法洛士稱線良好 但後期不夠好 而AD就是要後期 05/29 08:22
TWemperor :法洛士我覺得比MF還差 05/29 08:22
lpca :老元素下路排行不錯呀 其他路就... 05/29 08:23
playboy :Varus 已經退燒了阿 現在場場都看不到了阿 05/29 08:25
kevin7lin :我覺得AD排名 排的有道理 法洛士也正如同他說的... 05/29 08:30
a28124209 :我的vayne Q_Q 05/29 08:36
someoneelse :看來明天要免費了 05/29 08:37
librasky :Varus離開對線期就普普了 05/29 08:38
artz6030 :Ashe能上T1 Varus只有T3 這根本是比賽排名吧...... 05/29 08:45
TWemperor :ASHE本來就比VARUS實用好嗎? VARUS只有招比較帥嚇嚇 05/29 08:46
TWemperor :人而已 對線遇到VARUS還沒輸過的 05/29 08:47
hypermall :碰到隊友是會玩的ASHE,SUP的很開心 05/29 08:53
ciwewa :如果是看後期的話 法洛士的R 會戰也不錯用阿 05/29 08:55
librasky :不會玩的Varus常常Fail R XDD 觀察好多場都這樣 05/29 08:57
ciwewa :R其實蠻寬的耶= = 普攻打得到就不會MISS吧 05/29 08:57
kenshin333 :感覺汎排太高了... 05/29 08:57
ciwewa :只是W很難觸發 法洛士中後期傷害有點難打出來 05/29 08:58
a0187153 :Varus Q集氣不能普攻 W要技能觸發傷害才高 但其他技 05/29 08:58
a0187153 :能CD又長 R判定窄距離短又很難中= = 05/29 08:59
ads9527 :buff tristana plz! 05/29 09:01
playboy :會戰的時候 R中對方跟沒中一樣 對方不能動還是能打你 05/29 09:18
playboy :畢竟都要戰了 對方一點也不會有想退的意思 05/29 09:19
librasky :還是有用啦 第一時間防止大男突進 05/29 09:37
librasky :如果你夠肥是可以先扣掉大男不少血 05/29 09:37

    創作者 香港經濟通 的頭像


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