
作者: SuperLuffy (.人.) 看板: LoL
標題: [情報] CLG Black / HotshotGG AMA
時間: Tue May 22 08:15:17 2012

Today CLG is proud to announce the official addition of it's second North
American League of Legends team, CLG Black!

CLG北美二隊 - CLG Black

The primary reasoning behind the creation of the CLG Black team was to give
the other CLG.NA roster (which will be referred to as CLG Prime moving
forward) a set of highly skilled opponents to scrim and practice new
strategies against on a daily basis. The team spent several weeks considering
a wide array of reputable high ELO players who not only showed an ability to
carry their team's in games, but also the potential to be trained and groomed
from high ELO superstars, into a tournament level players.

會組成第二隊的主要原因是有人來團練和嘗試新戰術 也可以培養去打比賽

That being said, please welcome our new team to the community!

Top rating
CLG Sycho Sid // Solo Top 2243
CLG LiNk // Solo Mid 2507
CLG Zuna // Jungle // 2180
CLG Hoodstomp // AD Carry 2337
CLG BloodWater // Support 2387

其他一些官方聲明我就刪掉了 想看得可以自己點連結


Q:Why Zuna and not Lapakaa for Team B?

A:Zuna vs Lapaka was CLG Blacks decision,
they as a collective group decided
they wanted Zuna. Not entirely based on skill
but also cohesiveness in terms of team atmosphere.


Q:How do you feel the changes through CLG are now?
Any big differences, different playstyles etc.

A:We currently feel a bit on the weak side,
it really feels like we're a new team.
We don't know what Voy is comfortable playing,
I'm learning the jungle, jiji is a bit too passive
and bot lane played too much Diablo 3.


A: ;-;

如果將字母 A 到 Z 分別編上 1 到 26 的分數,(A=1,B=2...,Z=26)
KNOWLEDGE)得到 96 分(11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5=96)
HARDWORK)也只得到 98 分(8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11=98)
OGC OGC OGC OGC) OGC4次的話 就可以得到100分呢 XD

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◆ From:
hollowland :bot lane played too much Diablo 3. XDDDDDDDDD 05/22 08:17
hollowland :果然是打太多D3最近表現才會這麼爛...XD 05/22 08:18
iamakobefan :打D3太多的後果就是移動 一直按左鍵 05/22 08:30
softseaweed :D3+TERA XDDD 05/22 08:31
frekfrek :XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 05/22 08:42
totis :D3打多了....真的會按錯XD 05/22 08:52
Hylun :乾..我也是玩太多 每次都點錯= = 05/22 08:56
jesusray :我也會按錯.... 05/22 08:58
freezesky81 :網站什麼鬼XDDDD 05/22 09:08
charles716 :沒辦法 老茶連D3都得輔助DL阿XD 05/22 09:17
w3160828 :我也會按錯.... 05/22 09:34
tp950016 :DL一定是跟隨老查的腳步XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 05/22 09:37
ssd123698745:移動按左鍵+1 昨天SUP被同學ADC罵反應怎都慢一拍XDD 05/22 09:38

    創作者 香港經濟通 的頭像


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